Pandemic! 2020: Music to Quarantine By [track 1]

Drastic measures call for drastic times. And vice versa.

And that’s just what they’ll do.  One of these days these drastic measures will walk all over you…

My quarantine project = playing, recording, mixing, mastering, and SHARING homecrafted music.


I play the ukulele. And build cigar box guitars, and play them.  And play harmonica, and four-string banjo.  And a bouzouki that I bought in Greece.  Occasionally — very occasionally, and only by defying doctors orders– I “sing.”  

Over the next few weeks, my goal is to generate a track every two or three days in an effort to become more facile at recording, mixing, and mastering.  


To demonstrate that life can be MUCH WORSE than just fighting a lethal respiratory virus.  Count your blessings.  

Track 1: are you ready, boots?

Instruments used in this recording:

For the other tracks